A targeted individuals life is a strange one.
Friends disappear.
Family does the same many of them
They may even turn against you.
And when you prove you are not coo coo for co co puffs..... in many cases, they will avoid you.
Them saying hey man , im sorry ...
I had no idea there was a court case .
I didn’t know u were on this “list”
U told me your life was in danger but we thought u were nuts,
We thought u ate the brown acid at Woodstock !
We didn’t know the weaponization of mental illness was a real thing !
Don’t hold your breathe on that im sorry stuff.
Getting avoided is more likely, which is exactly what they want ....
And destroy covertly....
While some of us become test subjects to the smart grid.... mk ultra on autopilot mostly... a digital concentration camp..... for all of us in time imo.....
Talk like this will run most of your family and friends off....
I’ve already done it.... so u don’t have to.
My gift to humanity LOL.
BUT IF you are into covert torture . Electromagnetic poison.... ur gonna love it.....
Maybe ur life will be puppy dogs and rainbows..... I hope it is... for some of us freedom fighters who want to change the world for real.... this is what we deal with ...... so how bout at least being nice for fighting for a better world we all have to live in.... ? Just a thought .
I woke up the other day , couldn’t breathe, went outside for some fresh air and this is what i saw. I just woke up , pardon the audio....not breathing changes one’s mood . Forgive me
Video 1 , was right when I woke up and video 2 is gonna be harder to see, but if one looks , they can see something coming into the house and it’s best to focus around and under the table . Many TIs feel something hitting them, me being one of them , and this was what I filmed .... vid 2 is 50 percent speed. Thought it may help, I can send anyone the original ... I asked family and one saw it at regular speed .
One isn’t suppose to see this stuff. Keep this in mind . Richard asked for other TI.s for evidence cause many TIs are experiencing this .... personally, I think it’s a form or poison, but I’m guessing . Love to get hard evidence / truth. My old man was a private investigator so I’ve been hunting evidence as long as I can remember .....
I just want those responsible to leave us alone .....
And those who have dealt with these tactics to not have to worry about just about anything anymore. One can’t put a price on many of us have had to deal with .....
So how about we don’t have to worry about having access to anything anymore.... car, safe space to exist , etc. I can’t put a dollar amount on it and the monetary system is in transition into a even worse slavery model iMO.
So, we have access to what we want / need and not be tortured / experimented on / like some lab rat..... a safe space to exist is where we need to start imo and eliminate the root cause of so many of our issues.....
Im into quality of life for us......
And boundries established so these entities / factions Can’t even think about touching any of us again....
Ya can’t put a price on wrecking this many lives .... TIs have earned the right to not have the stresses , worries, financial or any other kind of needs of this quickly changing world.
Basically, our concerns , should be paid for by those WHO probably stole that 21 trillion out the back door of DOD.
Sounds like whoever is responsible does not have the problems of access to resources / money like the rest of us....
Dream lives for all of us ..... would be a small price to pay for wrecking all of our lives .....
My opinion .....
family turning against was what broke me, also employers change and behave different yet same if they manage to hire. Also Look up targeting officer jobs on Indeed
I am with you going through the same bullshit 24/7
It's unthinkable real life horror nightmare that you can't seem to understand how this is happening or how you can legally get justice or how you can survive & how can this even happen to you or anybody & you can't do anything legally to stop it
Unthinkable just EVIL EVIL BULLSHIT